


Located in the heartland of Hunan Province, Ningxiang region is a treasure trove of rich history and vibrant culture. Renowned for its significant contribution to China’s revolutionary past, Ningxiang is steeped in the essence of the Red Culture. As a cradle of the Red Revolution, many revolutionary people were born here, especially one of the main leaders of the Party and the country _Liu Shaoqi, who was born in Ningxiang County, Hunan Province. He was a great Marxist, proletarian revolutionist, stateman and theorist. He was also a founding father of China, and an important member of the first generation of the Central Leading Group. With its historical significance and revolutionary heroes, The Red Culture of Ningxiang has become a must-visit destination for those seeking to explore China’s revolutionary past. By embracing and promoting the Red Culture, Ningxiang preserves its heritage and ensures that the sacrifices of the past continue to inspire and guide the present and future generations.

Liu Shaoqi(November 24,1898—November 12,1969), a great Marxist, a great proletarian revolutionary, statesman, theorist, one of the principal leaders of the Party and the state, Founding Fathers of the People's Republic of China, was born in Ningxiang, Hunan Province. As an important member of the Party's first generation of central leadership, he is respected and loved by the whole Party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups in China.

Comrade Liu Shaoqi fought for the cause of the Party and the people all his life. He has made significant contributions in the new democratic revolution, socialist revolution and socialist construction in various historical periods of China. He made many theoretical achievements in the fields of politics, economy, military, culture, education, party building and so on. He made significant theoretical contributions to the formation and development of Mao Zedong Thought. Many of his theoretical views formed in the exploration of China's socialist construction are still of great significance to this day. His glorious achievements, noble demeanor and noble character will forever be remembered in the hearts of all Party comrades and the people of all ethnic groups in the country.



He Shuheng, born on May 27, 1876, in Ningxiang, Hunan Province, China, was a prominent Chinese revolutionary and one of the founding members of the Communist Party of China (CPC). He was a prominent communist revolutionist and one of the founders of the Communist Party of China. He attended the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1921 as a representative, marking his role in the party's establishment. He bravely participated in various revolutionary struggles, eventually sacrificing his life for the revolution in 1935 during a battle in Fujian. His dedication and bravery remain an inspiration for generations.


Xie Juezai (April 27, 1884 - June 15, 1971), a native of Ningxiang, Hunan, joined the Communist Party of China in 1925. He was an outstanding member of the CPC, one of the "Five Elders of Yan'an," and one of the "Four Elders of the Long March," one of the founders of the judicial system of New China, a renowned jurist and educator, an outstanding social activist, a pioneer in the field of law, and a founder of the people's judicial system.

In the revolutionary years, he actively engaged in the struggle against imperialism and feudalism, running around for national independence and people's liberation. With firm beliefs and fearless courage, he carried out revolutionary work in harsh environments.

Xie Juezai's life is a life of serving the people. His dedication spirit, firm belief and noble character inspire later generations to continuously strive for the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. His achievements will be recorded in the annals of history forever, and his spirit is always worthy of our learning and admiration.

谢觉哉(1884年4月27日 - 1971年6月15日),湖南宁乡县人,1925年加入中国共产党。他是中国共产党的杰出成员,延安“五老”之一,长征“四老”之一,新中国司法制度的奠基人之一,著名的法学家和教育家,杰出的社会活动家,法律领域的先驱,人民司法制度的创立者。



Tao Zhiyue (September 18, 1892 - December 26, 1988), a general at the founding of the People's Republic of China, was born in Xianfeng Village, Ningxiang, Hunan Province. On September 25, 1949, he led 100,000 officers and soldiers of the Kuomintang stationed in Xinjiang to announce their uprising and accepted the leadership of the Communist Party of China, making significant contributions to the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang, maintaining national unity and ethnic unity, and the establishment of New China.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successively served as the commander of the 22nd Corps of the People's Liberation Army, member of the Northwest Military and Political Committee, deputy commander of the Xinjiang Military Region and concurrent commander of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, leading the troops to open up wasteland in the Gobi Desert and build cities, enabling Xinjiang to gradually emerge from poverty and become a renowned agricultural demonstration area. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of general.




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